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Now Screening: American Founding Era Papers


Now Screening highlights NYPL's recent electronic resource acquisitions.  This month: American Founding Era Papers, available at any NYPL location, or remotely using your library card.

American Founding Era Papers Logo

Everyone's talking about the ten dollar Founding Father these days.  If you are researching the Revolutionary Era, or would like to learn more about the subjects of Ron Chernow's biography and Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical, the New York Public Library's database American Founding Era Papers is for you.  

This resource gives you online access to the collected correspondence and other documents of early American historical figures like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Dolley Madison, and yes, Alexander Hamilton.  If you've enjoyed our current exhibition, Alexander Hamilton: Striver, Statesman, Scoundrel, or if you cannot visit New York City in person, American Founding Era Papers also gives you access to transcribed versions for many of the exhibition's items.

You can browse this database by contents (for example, to locate the digital equivalent of Volume 2 of the John Jay Papers), date, or index.  So if you were intrigued by Hamilton's letter to George Washington outlining the Newburgh Conspiracy in our exhibition and wanted to read it in full, it's as simple as navigating by "Chronology" to the documents dated February 13, 1783:

Screenshot for browsing documents by chronology
Browsing by date in American Founding Era Papers

You can browse across all documents in the database (Publication = Founders (All)), or limit the documents to a particular person's papers.  Each document is transcribed — so you do not need to decipher tricky colonial manuscript — and includes notes on its source, editorial annotations, and citation details.  The John Jay Papers also include links to digital facsimiles of the original documents.

Beginning of Alexander Hamilton's February 13, 1783 letter to George Washington, from the American Founding Era Papers database
Beginning of Alexander Hamilton's February 13, 1783 letter to George Washington, from the American Founding Era Papers database

Browsing by index can helpfully group together documents on a similar theme.  For example, if you would like to learn more about Hamilton's affair with Maria Reynolds, you can browse his index's "R" entries, including Reynolds, James; Reynolds, Maria; "Reynolds Affair;" and "Reynolds Pamphlet."  All index entries are hyperlinked to the documents referenced.  By consulting the index, you can discover that American Founding Era Papers contains both the final version of the Reynolds Pamphlet, on display in our exhibition, as well as Hamilton's edited draft:

Screenshot for browsing documents by index
Entry for Reynolds Pamphlet in the Alexander Hamilton cumulative index
Beginning of Alexander Hamilton's draft of the Reynolds Pamphlet, from the American Founding Era Papers database
Beginning of Alexander Hamilton's draft of the Reynolds Pamphlet, from the American Founding Era Papers database

For Hamilton and Washington, all volumes of their papers have been combined into cumulative indices.  For the other Founders, each volume (corresponding to the volumes of the original print editions) has its own index.  Rather than checking each volume's index separately, you might find it easier to search for your topic.

Like browsing, you can search across the entire database, or limit your search to an individual person's papers.  To begin, select "Search" from the main navigation bar:

Screenshot of main navigation bar with Search selected

The search form provides options for fine-tuning your search across multiple fields.  Here are a few tips on how to maximize your searching power: 

  1. Use "Text" to search the full text of all documents in the database.

  2. Use “Scope” to search documents, editorial notes, or both.

  3. The database includes documents in both English and French.  Use "Languages" to limit results to one of these.

  4. The database automatically “stems” your search terms (including French words).  This means that searching for "duel" will also return documents containing the words "duels," "duelling," and "duellers."  It also ignores diacritics — searching for revolution will also find the word révolution.  Finally, it is only case-sensitive when you include capital letters.  If you search weeks, you might find references to weeks as a measurement of time as well as alleged murderer Levi Weeks, but if you search Weeks, you'll limit your results to the latter.  To work around these database rules and search for exactly what you type, check the "Exact form" box.

  5. Multiple search terms are automatically combined with and.  Searching for louisiana purchase will return documents containing both of these terms anywhere in them.  To look for these two terms next to each other, enclose them in quotation marks.  To look for either term, search louisiana or purchase.

  6. Wildcards: use * for zero or more characters, or ? for exactly one character.

  7. Use “Names” to search correspondence by author and/or recipient.

  8. Use "Publications"  to limit your search to a specific individual's papers.

  9. Use "Order by" to sort your search results by relevance, date, or reverse date.  Unlike most databases, this option cannot be changed from the search results screen.  However, you can always select "Refine Search" at the top of the results screen to modify your search criteria.

For example, if I wanted to view all correspondence between Hamilton and Washington mentioning the Battle of Yorktown, I might compose this search (note the Text, Name 1, Name 2, and Sort fields):

Screenshot of search form in American Founding Era Papers
Example of a search in the American Founding Era Papers database

With thousands of documents to discover in this database, there is plenty to reward both the casual reader and the dedicated scholar.  If you're hungry for more, you can find other Revolutionary-era digitized primary sources in these resources:

If you would like to access the print editions of American Founding Era Papers, search for them by title in our online catalog (for example, The Selected Papers of John Jay).  Some portions, like Founders Early Access, are only available in digital form.

Find an interesting document in this database?  Share it in the comments!  I found Aaron Burr's post-duel letter to Doctor David Hosack, checking up on Hamilton's condition:

Aaron Burr's July 12, 1804 Letter to David Hosack
Aaron Burr's July 12, 1804 Letter to David Hosack

Port Richmond's Summer Reading Top Picks


Throughout our Summer Reading Challenge, those who have been playing our Summer Reading Bingo have had the opportunity to push their reading boundaries and read new genres. We here at Port Richmond have also been expanding our literary horizons. Here are our top picks from the summer.

Burial Rites
Opposite of Loneliness
The Royal We




Burial Rites by Hannah Kent

Safekeeping by Jessamyn Hope

The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan

Ghosts by Cesar Aira

Dataclysm: Who We Are When We Think No One's Looking by Chrisitan Rudder

The Summer Book by Tove Jansson

The Prize: Who's In Charge of America's Schools by Dale Russakoff

A Manual for Cleaning Women by Lucia Berlin

My Feelings by Nick Flynn

The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma

Last Song Before Night by Stephanie Meyer

The Summer Book
The Prize
My Feelings
The Fishermen
Last Song Before Night


For more recommendations, visit the Staff Picks page at nypl.org.

NYC Poll Worker: Make a Difference and Get Paid


board of election

If you live within the five boroughs of New York City, the Board of Elections in the City of New York would love for you to apply to become a Poll Worker today!

All new online users, regardless of whether or not you have filled out a paper application in the past, must complete an online application.

Poll Worker Positions            Apply Now 

If you want to apply for a stand-by poll worker position, please read the following instructions:

  • Please fill out one of the following applications and return it to the Board of Elections office in the borough of your residence.
  • Please read carefully the requirements for each position and apply only for the one you qualify.
  • Remember, as a stand-by poll worker you will be notified to report to work by the Board of Elections only if your services are needed.
  • You will find additional information, including work hours and pay, on each application.

Poll Worker                      Application

Description:  Depending on your registration status and availability you may be assigned to work as an Inspector, Poll Clerk, Information Clerk or Accessibility Clerk.

  • Inspector/Poll Clerk are generally responsible for the operations in the ED, including opening the polls, serving voters and closing the polls including accuracy of canvass.  Inspectors must stay for completion of canvass and tally.  Ensures that Affidavit Ballot Envelopes are completed correctly and signs each one.  Responsible for the set-up & closing of the Ballot Marking Device and Scanner.  Assists the voter as needed on this equipment.
  • Information Clerk use the Street Finder and Poll Site List to direct voters to their correct ED/AD and poll site .  May also be re-assigned to be an Inspector or Poll Clerk on Election Day, as necessary.
  • Accessibility Clerk ensures that the alternative entrance is accessible throughout the day.  Monitors the entrance to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering.  Checks to see that a ramp with handrails and/or platform are in place if required.  Assists but does not provide physical help to disabled voters entering the site.  Checks that access posters, directional arrows, "Vote Here/Vota Aqui" signs and all other outdoor signs are hung properly.,


  • Inspector/Poll Clerk/Information Clerk - Must be a registered voter in the City of New York
  • Accessibility Clerk - Permanent U.S. resident, New York City resident, and 18 years of age


Description: The Interpreter assists non-English speaking voters by translating voting information given by the Inspector and answers voter questions.  The Interpreter may also assist non-English and limited-Englsih speaking voters in voting booths.

Requirements: Permanent U.S. resident, New York  City Resident, 18 years of age, fluent in English and Interpreter's language.

For further information visit Board of Elections in the City of New York

Elecciones 2016: Regístrese, Investigue y Vote


For information in English, please visit: Election 2016: Register, Research, and Vote

Las Convenciones Nacionales Demócrata y Republicana han finalizado, y las nominaciones presidenciales de los dos principales partidos políticos de los Estados Unidos son oficiales: Hillary Clinton por el Partido Demócrata y Donald Trump por el Partido Republicano. Con las elecciones generales a sólo cien días, aquí le presentamos recursos para ayudarle a prepararse para votar.

U.S. Capitol. Image ID: g90f091_015f

Fechas importantes para las elecciones:
Día de las elecciones: 8 de noviembre de 2016.

Plazos generales de la elección:

REGISTRO POR CORREO (Ley N. Y. Sección Elección 5-210 (3))

Las solicitudes deben enviarse a más tardar el 14 de octubre y ser recibidas por la junta de elecciones antes del 19 de octubre para ser elegible para votar en la elección general.

REGISTRO EN PERSONA (Secciones Ley de Elección N.Y. 5-210, 5-211, 5-212)

Puede registrarse en su oficina local de elecciones o cualquier agencia estatal que participe en la Ley Nacional de Registro de Votantes, en cualquier día laboral a lo largo del año. Para ser elegible para votar en la elección general, su aplicación debe ser recibida a más tardar el 14 de octubre.

CAMBIO DE DIRECCIÓN (Ley N. Y. Sección Elección 5-208 (3))

Los avisos de cambio de dirección de los votantes registrados recibidos por la junta de elecciones antes del 19 de octubre, deben ser procesados e inscritos en los registros a tiempo para la Elección General.

Para obtener más información e información sobre la papeleta de voto ausente, visite http://vote.nyc.ny.us/html/voters/spanish.shtml

Si no es de Nueva York, verifique si califica, los requisitos de identidad y los lugares de votación en Can I Vote? (en inglés) Si usted es un ciudadano que vive fuera de los EE.UU., vea el Programa Federal de Asistencia Electoral (en inglés).

¿Soy elegible para votar?

Para inscribirse para votar en la ciudad de Nueva York, usted debe:

  • Ser ciudadano de los Estados Unidos (esto incluye a las personas nacidas en Puerto Rico, Guam y las Islas Vírgenes de EE.UU.).
  • Vivir en su dirección actual por lo menos 30 días antes de una elección. (Tenga presente que la residencia no se pierde ni se obtiene involuntariamente si está sirviendo en las fuerzas armadas o si está inscrito como estudiante en una institución de enseñanza.)
  • Tener 18 años de edad el 31 de Diciembre del año en el cual presentó esta solicitud. (Tenga presente que debe tener por lo menos 18 años de edad por para la fecha de la Elección General, Primaria, u otra elección en la cual usted desea votar.)
  • No estar encarcelado por un delito mayor, ni estar en libertad condicional por un delito mayor.
  • No haber sido declarado mentalmente incompetente por un tribunal.
  • No reclamar el derecho de votar en otro lugar (fuera de la ciudad de Nueva York).

Regístrese para Votar

¿No está seguro si está registrado? Compruebe aquí NYSVoter Información Pública - Búsqueda registro de votantes (en inglés).

Regístrese para votar en Nueva York por primera vez, o actualizar su nombre, dirección o afiliación a un partido.

En PersonaPor CorreoPor Internet

Encuentre su centro de votación

Los centros de votación están localizados por toda la ciudad. Usted solamente puede votar en su centro de votación designado. Asegúrese de que esté en su propio centro de votación y en el Distrito Electoral y Distrito de Asamblea (ED/AD) correcto para su dirección.

Los centros de votación están abiertos desde las 6:00 AM hasta las 9:00 PM.

Puede encontrar la localización de su centro de votación:

  • Buscándolo en el Localizador de Centros de Votación en el sitio de web: www.vote.nyc.ny.us
  • Llamando al banco telefónico al 1-866-VOTE.NYC
  • Mandando su dirección por correo electrónico a: vote@boe.nyc.ny.us

Encuentre resultados de las elecciones

(Información en inglés)

FederalNew York StateNew York City

Vilma Alvarez also contributed to this blog.

7 Victorian Novels to Read While You Wait for Frank Ocean's New Album


 Charles Dickens

On Monday, August 1, the Earth bore witness to a miraculous announcement: Boys Don’t Cry, Frank Ocean’s highly anticipated follow-up to his landmark album channel ORANGE, would finally drop that Friday. Although his last release was four years ago, Frank Ocean still feels more relevant than most artists making music today. What song can break your heart like “Bad Religion” or take you on a an epic journey like “Pyramids?” What artist can reference cotton candy and DragonballZ in the same breath, as does Ocean in “Pink Matter?” At last, it seemed, we were going to hear more.

But the album never came. Like a library book long overdue, it was going to be late.

Frank Ocean's Library Card
Frank! Pay your fines! Image from boysdontcry.co


We have no way of knowing when the album will come, so we’re passing the time the only way we know how: reading Victorian novels. We’re also taking the NYPL’s Summer Reading #Read20 challenge, which asks us to make time for twenty minutes of reading every day. If we stick to our goal, we’ll probably finish all these books by the time the album is released. Victorian novels have the added benefit of reminding us of Ocean’s music: epic, detailed, and powerful stories about sexual politics as much as they’re about romance. So while we read, we’re also playing our seven favorite Ocean tracks: one for each novel. Here are our picks, and if you have any other reads to tide you over while you wait for Boys Don’t Cry, let us know.

Great Expectations

For “Super Rich Kids”
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations tells the story of plucky young Pip, lifted from poverty by a mysterious benefactor who aims to make him a proper gentleman. Pip’s love interest, the cultured but unfeeling Estella, is basically a “super rich kid with nothing but fake friends,” making “Super Rich Kids” the perfect track to headbang to while you read this winding tale of intrigue and London high society. It’s a great beach read mashup – can’t you just picture Pip’s first etiquette lessons with “too many bottles of wine he can’t pronounce,” while Estella’s taking rides in Miss Havisham’s Jaguar?

Vanity Fair

For “Lost”
Vanity Fair, by William Makepeace Thackeray

Frank Ocean’s “Lost” tells the story of the protagonist’s lover, a cocaine dealer who suddenly gets swept up in the jet-setting lifestyle of selling drugs, as she loses sight of simpler things. Sounds like Becky Sharp, the ambitious, money-driven anti-heroine ofVanity Fair, who begins penniless and works her way up through society, gambling, drinking, and seducing all the while. Becky’s adventures don’t include hopping over to “Miami, Amsterdam, Tokyo, [or] Spain” to move product, but she does get involved in some pretty sketchy business, much to the chagrin of her foil, the goodly Amelia Sedley. This sweeping satire of English society, full of wit and scorn for the motivations and lifestyles of the wealthy, will totally hypnotize you – so go get “lost in the thrill of it all!”

Agnes Grey

For “Forrest Gump”
Agnes Grey, by Anne Bronte

This underrated novel of Anne Bronte’s tells the story of the eponymous protagonist, a poor governess who works for the English gentry. While under the employ of the wealthy Murray family, she meets Mr. Edward Weston, the local parson, and he immediately he starts “running on her mind.” Even when family tragedy and the machinations of the townsfolk separate Agnes and Edward, she refuses to forget him, much like how Frank Ocean can’t forget “Forrest Gump.” Mr. Weston doesn’t play football like Forrest does – that would be ungentlemanly – but he does pick Agnes some primrose blossoms from a high oak tree, which she can’t reach. “So buff and so strong!”

Jude the Obscure

For “Bad Religion”
Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy’s final completed novel, Jude the Obscure, tells the story of a working-class stonemason and his family in Wessex, England. Jude and his beloved, Sue Bridehead, initiate an unmarried relationship as he raises a child from a previous marriage. Unfortunately, the narrow-minded religious community frowns on their illicit love, and they lead a life marred by death, illness, and abject poverty. It’s the perfect tragic accompaniment for “Bad Religion,” another song about forbidden feelings, broken love, and the conflict between religion and sex. In its time, Jude the Obscure was reviled by the public for its criticism of marriage and sexual mores. Some say the backlash forced Hardy into early retirement. Sound depressing? At least we didn’t recommend Tess of the d’Urbervilles.

Wuthering Heights

For “Thinkin’ Bout You”
Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte

One of the best unrequited love songs of the 21st century just has to go with one of Victorian literature’s great unfulfilled romances. If you haven’t yet read Wuthering Heights, the story of Heathcliff and Catherine’s tortured relationship is a truly epic tale you won’t soon forget. We can see Heathcliff now, coming over the moors, now a wealthy gentleman.


And when Heathcliff flirts with Isabella to make Catherine jealous…

Catherine probably she wishes she’d thought a little farther ahead...

Images from Wuthering Heights (2011).

Jane Eyre

For “Swim Good”
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte

We couldn’t do this list without Jane Eyre– nor without “Swim Good,” one of Frank Ocean’s pre-channel ORANGE hits. A Gothic meditation on heartbreak, loss, and escape, “Swim Good” feels like it was written about Jane’s flight from Thornfield Hall. After she discovers her beloved Mr. Rochester’s terrible secret – we won’t spoil it, but it’s one of the juiciest twists in English literature – she throws her broken heart in her Lincoln town car and makes for the moors. Well, not exactly. But Jane Eyre was the first novel to pin its narrative on the mental and moral tension within the mind of its protagonist, paving the way for interior novelists of the 20th century and beyond – sorta like how Frank Ocean’s cerebral, complex songs have opened the door for a new wave of psychological R&B artists.


For “Pyramids”
Middlemarch, by George Eliot

What could possibly equal “Pyramids” in scope? A ten-minute banger that sounds like a mashup of two completely different musical worlds, “Pyramids” covers sex, love, betrayal, war, race, the treatment of women, and oceans of time in space. The only answer Victorian literature has is Middlemarch, an immensely broad portrait of life in provincial England and a triumph of realist fiction. If you like your fiction detailed, intricate, sweeping, and totally arresting, go full “Pyramids” with Middlemarch. But be forewarned… If you finish Middlemarch, and the album’s still not out, you might be waiting in vain.

Are you doing this summer’s #Read20 challenge? Shout out what you’ve been reading in the comments, and if you have any other Victorian recommendations, let us know!

Lost and Found in Translation: Selected Novels Translated from Other Languages


Growing up in a household where more than one language was spoken, translation was very common. It was like a game, finding certain words and meanings to match and capture what was being said. With English coming in later, I used translation to my advantage. Everything I heard and saw, from ads on the subway to chatter on the streets, I translated. I later wanted to read books I had read before but in the English language, in order to become more comfortable and to advance my fluency.

Even though I had read them before, books like The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, it was like I was reading them for the first time. I was seeing these stories from a new perspective. I noticed details that I probably would have never noticed in the book’s original language. I was lost in translation but in an exciting way, finding and pursuing an interest in international literature that continues to this day.

Translation is a difficult process at times. There are words or meanings in a language that English does not have an equivalent to. Sometimes a lot of rethinking needs to be done, to make the translation clear and true to the original. As English language readers, we have many opportunities to read literature in translation but only 3% of the books published in the United States are works in translation, as noted in the online journal Three Percent.

In keeping with the theme of Mid-Manhattan’s Adult Summer Reading Program “Exercise Your Mind; go beyond your comfort zone,” here’s a list of selected novels that have been translated into English. Challenge yourself, read something out of your comfort zone, and discover new literature from around the world.

 a novel

Simone: A Novelby Eduardo Lalo; translated from Spanish by David Frye
An unnamed writer experiences odd moments of stalking from a mysterious student while struggling to make something of himself. Set in the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico, glimpse of life are captured in this tale of love, suspense, disillusion and imagination.  



 a novel

The Truth and Other Lies: A Novelby Sascha Arango; translated from the German by Imogen Taylor
Henry Heyden is not what he seems to be. A husband, friend and coworker, all of which is a constructed mask. His facade is about to crumble but when trying to find a solution, it only leads to a terrible mistake.



The arch and the butterfly

The Arch and the Butterflyby Mohamed Achaari; translated from Arabic by Aida Bamia
Youssef al-Firsiwi finds a mysterious letter under his door. He learns that his only son whom he has been killed in Afghanistan fighting with the Islamist resistance. Youssef is quickly caught up in a mesh of family tragedies that reflect the changes he is experiencing in his life.



Adventures in immediate irreality

Adventures in Immediate Irreality by Max Blecher; translated from Romanian by Michael Henry Heim
A novella that paints in vivid colors, the eerie images of  "irreality" that plagued Max Blecher in his youth. Within these chapters moves along a peculiar dream logic, sketching through the tremulous, frightening and exhilarating awakenings of a very young man.



 a novel

Bonita Avenue: A Novelby Peter Buwalda; translated from the Dutch by Jonathan Reeder
Siem Sigerius is a mathematics professor with a promising future in politics. He lives in the complete portrait of a comfortable life with a family and a home in the bucolic countryside. Siem's past, however, comes to threaten the peace and stability that he has achieved, and when he stumbles upon a deception that’s painfully close to home, things begin to fall apart.



	 The 100-year-old man who climbed out the window and disappeared

The 100-year-old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappearedby Jonas Jonasson; translated from the Swedish by Rod Bradbury
Trapped to a nursing home and about to turn 100, Allan Karlsson climbs out of the window in his slippers and embarks on an unforgettable adventure involving thugs, a elephant and a very friendly hot dog stand operator.



 a novel

18% Gray: A Novelby Zachary Karabashliev ; translated from the Bulgarian by Angela Rodel
After the disappearance of his wife, Zack sets off on a trip across America with his memories, a camera, and a duffel bag of dope. Through the lens of the old camera, he rediscovers himself through photography. The journey unleashes a series of erratic, hilarious, and life-threatening events scattered with flashbacks to his relationship with with his wife.


Voting is open for YALSA's Teens' Top Ten!

Teens' Top Ten logo courtesy of YALSA

Big news! Voting opened this week for the Teens' Top Ten! The TTT is an annual teen choice award organized by the Young Adult Library Services Association, with books nominated by teen book clubs across the country and the winners chosen by you! Teen librarians everywhere use the annual top ten list to make recommendations and collection development decisions, so if you want to help the books you love get noticed, now's your chance. Read as many of the nominees as interest you and vote for your favorites now through the end of Teen Read Week (October 15). Check out this year's candidates below:

Bardugo, Leigh. Six of Crows. Ocean's Eleven meets high fantasy. A mismatched (and lovable) band of criminals forms an uneasy alliance to pull off the heist of a lifetime, only to find themselves the world's last chance to escape destruction.

Black, Holly. The Darkest Part of the ForestIf you're a fan of rich fantasy settings or gorgeous writing, this one's for you. A mysterious sleeper in the forest awakes, upending life for siblings Hazel and Ben.

Boecker, Virginia. The Witch Hunter. In this alternate-history thriller, witch hunter Elizabeth Grey is accused of witchcraft herself and has to turn to her worst enemy for help.

Brockenbrough, Martha. The Game of Love and Death. Lyrical and heartbreaking. Flora and Henry embark on an interracial romance in 1920s Seattle, but they are also  pawns in a larger game being played by the personifications of Love and Death.

Childs, Tera Lynn, and Tracy Deebs. Powerless. In an alternate universe where everyone is either a superhero or supervillain, Kenna is the lone civilian, working in a lab on research that might help her become a hero too. After a break-in, though, she finds herself swept up by — and falling for — the mysterious villain who saves her.

Cornwell, Betsy. MechanicaA fractured fairy tale where Cinderella has an engineering textbook instead of a fairy godmother, and the prince may not be so charming.

Dinnison, Kris.You and Me and Him. Misfits Nash and Maggie are best friends, but find their bond tested when they both fall for the same boy.

Doktorski, Jennifer Salvato. The Summer After You and MeIn this timely romance, Jersey Shore resident Lucy is coping with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and the impending return of her ex-boyfriend Connor, whose family has a summer home in her neighborhood.

Doller, Trish. The Devil You Know. Try this one for a creepy summertime horror story. Cadie, needing an escape from her exhausting home life, takes off on a camping trip with her friend and two handsome strangers. Fun turns to fear when Cadie realizes one of the boys is hiding a dangerous secret.

Heltzel, Anne. Charlie, Presumed DeadLena and Aubrey meet at the funeral of Charlie Price, presumed dead after a plane crash, and discover that he was dating both of them. When Lena tells Aubrey she thinks Charlie is still alive, the two embark on a thrilling adventure to expose his lies while trying to hide their own.

Kaufman, Amie and Jay Kristoff. IlluminaeAs if narrowly escaping the destruction of your planet and being stuck on a relief ship with your ex isn't enough, Kady and Ezra now have to cooperate to take down a hostile A.I. and survive the plague unleashed by a bioweapon. Illuminae is intense, and only the first in a new series.

Laurie, Victoria. WhenMaddie can see the impending death date of everyone she sees, which allows her to earn some money as a psychic (at her mother's urging). When she becomes a suspect in the disappearance of a young boy, Maddie's story becomes un-put-down-able.

Matharu, Taran. The Novice: Summoner. When blacksmith's apprentice Fletcher discovers he is an Adept, able to summon demons, he becomes a military asset to the Empire. The wild ride of his adventures, though, leads him to question his loyalties.

Nielsen, Jennifer A. Mark of the ThiefFor fans of Percy Jackson. A young Roman slave discovers an amulet that gives him the power of the Gods and becomes entangled in political intrigue that could overthrow the Empire.

Niven, Jennifer. All the Bright Places. Fall in love with protagonists Theodore and Violet, and bring a box of tissues as they fight to help one another heal from suicidal ideation and grief.

Priest, Cherie and Kali Ciesemier. I Am Princess X. Years after the death of her best friend Libby, May finds a community dedicated to a webcomic starring "Princess X" — a character she and Libby invented when they were kids. Try this one for a tense, suspenseful read that will keep you hooked.

Schmidt, Tiffany. Hold Me Like a Breath. Penny's chronic illness generally keeps her isolated at home thanks to her over-protective family, who just happen to be involved in organized crime. When she loses their protection, though, she has to make her own way in New York City.

Schreiber, Joe. Con AcademyWill Shea cons his way into an exclusive prep school where, funnily enough, he learns that classmate Andrea Dufresne has done exactly the same thing. What else is there to do but see who can out-swindle the school bully?

Sedgwick, Marcus. Ghosts of HeavenUnconventional and unforgettable, Ghosts of Heaven takes the reader through four distinct but connected episodes. Sedgwick starts with the author of the first written signs, then introduces us to Anna, called a witch in the 1600s, an institutionalized poet in twentieth-century Long Island, and an astronaut aboard the first ship setting out from Earth to colonize a new planet.

Simmons, Kristen. The Glass ArrowA dark, dystopian novel that echoes the feminist themes of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's TaleAya lives in a world where women are property, bought and sold for breeding. Though she and her family have survived hiding in the wilderness, when she is 15 she is captured and brought to the capital to be groomed for auction. Now she must work with mute Kiran, an unlikely ally, in order to escape.

Stohl, Margaret. Black Widow: Forever RedBLACK WIDOW STAND-ALONE NOVEL. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. If that isn't enough for you: Black Widow: Forever Red is an action-packed ride. Years ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Natasha Romanov rescued a young girl, Ava, from the lab of the target she was sent to kill. Now, they have crossed paths again, together with another boy, Alex, and have to stop Ava's former captor's new plot.

Stone, Tamara Ireland. Every Last WordYou will love, love, love this cast of characters: Samantha, who keeps her OCD a secret in order to maintain appearances as a star athlete and popular girl; hilarious Caroline, who introduces Sam to her poet friends and finally helps her feel at home; and charming guitarist AJ, Sam's former bullying victim... and new crush.

Westerfeld, Scott, Margo Lanagan, and Deborah Biancotti. Zeroes. Six California teens with low-key superpowers wind up in a superhero movie of their own when one of them accidentally talks himself into some trouble.

Weingarten, Lynn. Suicide Notes from Beautiful GirlsAfter her best friend's gruesome suicide, June is convinced that her best friend has been murdered. Her investigation leads her to the uncertain, messy truth of Delia's life — and death.

Yoon, Nicola. Everything, EverythingThis one's a little unconventional, relying on a mixed-media, scrapbook-like approach to tell the story of Maddy, whose severe allergies keep her home with her books, and Olly, the boy next door who changes her life.

Don't forget to vote for your favorites! You can choose up to three books that you think should make the top ten list for this year. And let us know what you think of the nominees here in the comments!

中文好书 -一六年八月 | Chinese Recommended List, August 2016


These titles have been selected by Maria Fung:


Mosade : Yiselie qing bao te wu ju mi mi dang an = Mossad
摩萨德 : 以色列情报特务局秘密档案 = Mossad / 梁维儒编著
Weiru Liang 梁维儒,
以色列情報及特殊使命局(希伯來語:המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים‎,HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuḥadim;英語:The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations),又譯情報特務局,俗稱摩薩德(希伯來語:המוסד‎,HaMossad;英語:The Mossad),是以色列的情報機構,其首長直接向以色列總理報告,與以色列國家安全局(俗稱「辛貝特」)和以色列軍事情報局(俗稱「阿曼」)組成以色列情報體系。摩薩德在1949年由總理大衛•班•古里昂成立,從事恐怖攻擊與反恐任務等。books.com.tw

Hong Zhaoguang jian kang jing
洪昭光健康经 / 洪昭光著
Zhaoguang Hong 洪昭光

世界绝美桥梁搜藏 - Shi jie jue mei qiao liang sou cang
Most beautiful bridges in the world
橋的目的是讓人、車輛、火車或船舶穿過障礙。其功能可以打橫搭著谷河或者海峽兩邊,讓人到達對岸;還可以延伸土地面積,使交通暢通無阻。 隨著時代的變化,橋樑也開始有造型的設計,前衛和時尚的容貌,讓城市的質感瞬間升級。books.com.tw


法兰克福的中国酷爸 - Falankefu de Zhongguo ku ba
Der untypische Frankfurl-Chinesische Herr Papa
Xu Xu

燃泪天堂 - Ran lei tian tang
Xin hua she ji zhe zhi ji Zhongdong zhen xiang = Burning tears in heaven
Cong Chen

The Florence Foster Jenkins Scrapbook


Flyer for Florence Foster Jenkins's Carnegie Hall Recital

With the release of the latest film starring Meryl Streep, many people are discovering Florence Foster Jenkins. Long known to many of those involved with music, Jenkins is generally viewed as a society lady who was unable to realize the defective quality of her attempts at singing. That she is remembered at all is due to her recordings, which have led many listeners to find much humor in her amateur musical attempts. Streep’s film adds and enriches this portrayal, garnering sympathy for a woman who had a oversized view of her singing abilities. Although Jenkins’s biography as outlined in the film is generally correct, I feel there is more to see in this woman than just a deluded society lady.

The Music Division has a unique item relating to Florence Foster Jenkins:  a scrapbook filled with many unique items documenting her career including articles, early photographs and programs (call number: JPB 01-61).  

The Florence Foster Jenkins scrapbook

The scrapbook was not assembled by Jenkins nor was it created during her lifetime.  After her death, her effects became the property of her companion, St. Clair Bayfield (portrayed in the film by Hugh Grant). When he died in 1967, the material became the property of his wife, Kathleen Bayfield (portrayed in the film by Rebecca Ferguson).  Under Kathleen’s direction, the scrapbook was assembled by one of her close friends, Helen R. From. Upon Kathleen Bayfield’s death in 1988, St. Clair Bayfield’s papers were donated to the Billy Rose Theatre Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Being of musical content, the scrapbook was transferred to the Music Division.  Since its arrival it has been used extensively, particularly by costume designers of the two plays portraying Jenkins’ life, Glorious! by Peter Quilter and Souvenir by Stephen Temperley.

The contents of the scrapbook are interesting. The material dating from the early part of Jenkins’s life is not only rare but fascinating. The first pages are devoted to Jenkins’s parents, Charles and Mary Foster.  Then follows a few unique and rare photographs of a young Florence.

A young Florence Foster

Of particular interest is an entire page devoted to clippings concerning the will of Florence Foster Jenkins’s father, Charles Dorrance Foster. Upon his death on September 29, 1909, his will could not be found. As one of the largest property owners in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania and one of the wealthiest, this was a serious matter, and numerous articles speculated on what was to be done . The will eventually turned up the following month, mysteriously mailed from a New York City mailbox.

articles concerning Charles Dorrance Foster's will

(Whoever prepared the scrapbook covered nearly everything with contact paper.  Though we can admire the creators’ concern, the use of contact paper is never recommended as a means of preservation.)

Much of the remainder of the scrapbook includes programs from various presentations, many featuring Jenkins as singer, but also some including her partner, St. Clair Bayfield.  Fortunately, the Music Division has many of these (and other) programs in its own uncataloged program file.

Jenkins’s penchant for printing red on a silver-colored program is unique.

Jenkins recital program of Oct. 27, 1938 - printed on silver-colored paper

The covers for programs of the Verdi Club (of which Jenkins was the founder) have a specially-designed cover.

March 9, 1939 program of the Verdi Club

Of course the scrapbook has a flyer from her Carnegie Hall concert.  (The Music Division has a copy in its uncataloged program file—the front heads this blog entry.) The reverse gives the entire concert program, headed by ambiguously-phrased reviewers' quotes.

Program of Jenkins's Carnegie Hall recital

The scrapbook also has a unique photograph of the audience attending Jenkins’ recital at Carnegie Hall. (Since it's covered with contact paper, I had to photograph it from an angle to avoid glare.)

The audience in attendance at Jenkins's Carnegie Hall Recital, Oct. 25, 1944

Kathleen Bayfield might have felt some kind of affection for Jenkins. She included several reviews of various reissues of Jenkins’s recordings, including one as late as 1980.

Beyond the scrapbook, the current attention to Florence Foster Jenkins led me to research her life a bit more thoroughly. In some ways we are so distant from the past that cultural context can easily be forgotten. Back in 1902 when Jenkins and her mother moved to New York City, there were minimal opportunities for integrating into cultural life. This was not only because she was not from New York City but also because she was a woman. Efforts to empower women who had an interest in music had begun in the waning years of the nineteenth century with the formation of local womens’ clubs. The National Federation of Women’s Music Clubs was formed in 1897, specifically citing the prejudice that faced women who wanted to fully embrace musical life.

Whether Jenkins was singing at this time is beside the point. Joining a womens’ club was an affirmation of womens’ right to assembly, and a nascent attempt to gain leverage within a male-dominated society.  Although I couldn’t find evidence that Jenkins participated in the Suffrage movement, her club activities attests to her active social networking.

A look through the annual directories of the Official Register and Directory of the Womens Clubs in America reveals something of Jenkins’s activities.  Here’s her entry in the 1906-1907 directory:

Jenkins's entry in 1906-1907 Jenkins was already a member of the Dickens Fellowship (a literary society) and the Euterpe Club of New York (devoted to music).  In the 1908-1909 directory, Jenkins is a member of two additional clubs, the Pocahontas Association and the Rubinstein Club.  In successive years Jenkins kept adding to her social circles, and not just music-oriented clubs. Here is her entry from the 1920-1921 directory:

Jenkins's entry in 1920-1921

Over the course of nearly twenty years, it can be said that Florence Foster Jenkins was able to transform herself from an outsider to be firmly within New York Society. In addition to her own Verdi Club, this entry lists memberships in the Mozart Club, the Manhattan Study Club, the Genealogy Society Club, National Society of Patriotic Women, Daughters of the American Revolution, The Round Table Club, the Fresh Air Fund, the Eastern Star Club, the Knickerbocker Relief, Arts and Sciences Club, the Euterpe Club, the New Yorkers, the Musicians Club, the Rubinstein Club, and the Drama Comedy Club—sixteen clubs!

So while you may laugh at the recordings, the plays, and now the film portraying Florence Foster Jenkins, keep in mind she was one of those women whose non-singing activities merit closer attention and form a contribution to our knowledge of women's activities and social lives in the first half of the twentieth century.

Florence Foster in 1909, age 41, about the time of her marriage to Frank T. Jenkins

NYPL #FridayReads: The Harry Potter Forever Edition August 19, 2016


During the week, it can be tough to stay on top of everything. On Fridays, though, we suggest kicking back to catch up on all the delightful literary reading the internet has to offer. Don’t have the time to hunt for good reads? Never fear. We’ve rounded up the best bookish reading of the week for you.


We Read...

Harry Potter quotes to take us back to Hogwarts, and got excited for Potter readalikes. If you have a Muggle boy who hates books, we have a few suggestions. Another suggestion: Hollywood should make these YA series into movies. In the meantime, let's think about quitting day jobs. Lois Lane's birthday was this week, and so we thought about the fierce female fictional journalists who inspire us. Speaking of inspiration, when we aren't freaking out over Usain Bolt, we're freaking out over lyrical sports books. These YA books will bend your mind like Simone Biles on the balance beam. And not to humble brag, but Colson Whitehead told us about The Underground Railroad way before it was published.

Stereogranimator Friday Feels

GIF made with the NYPL Labs Stereogranimator - view more at http://stereo.nypl.org/gallery/index
GIF made with the NYPL Labs Stereogranimator
  — make your own for World Photo Day (today!).



No need to get up! Join our librarians from the home, office, playground — wherever you have internet access — for book recs on Twitter by following our handle @NYPLrecommends from 10 AM to 11 AM every Friday. Or, you can check NYPL Recommends any day of the week for more suggestions.

It's hot hot hot outside, so we're ready to read some cool cool cool books. Who needs a recommendation? #FridayReadspic.twitter.com/Ggku2FaDTE

What did you read?

If you read something fantastic this week, share with our community of readers in the comment section below.

Witty One-Liners: An Ogden Nash and Dorothy Parker Quiz


Dorothy Parker and Ogden Nash were two of the great wits of twentieth century letters. So beloved are they that Parker was commemorated by Prince in his 1987 song "The Ballad of Dorothy Parker," and Nash appeared on a 2002 postage stamp. 

The two are often compared for their terse quips and rhyming verse. Sometimes one's poems are even falsely attributed to the other. And so we offer a challenge: Identify who wrote each of the following droll one-liners. Then memorize and add to your arsenal.


To take the quiz, simply click "start" below.


1800s Astronomical Drawings vs. NASA Images



It’s no secret that the New York Public Library’s Digital Collections hold many, many treasuresover 690,000, to be more specific. Of all the gorgeous, funny, odd, and impressive items I’ve stumbled upon, the E. L. Trouvelot astronomical pastel drawings sit in my top ten. Trouvelot was a French immigrant to the US in the 1800s, and his job was to create sketches of astronomical observations at Harvard College’s observatory. Building off of this sketch work, Trouvelot decided to do large pastel drawings of "the celestial phenomena as they appear...through the great modern telescopes." What amazes me about these drawings is how detailed they seem to bebut I am no astronomer. I decided to investigate a bit further and pair them with NASA’s photographs, which were taken about 150 years after Trouvelot’s work to see just how precise his art really was.

For all images, click the image title to see a larger version!


With NASA’s Mars Expedition Rovers, we have more detailed images of Mars than ever before. Still, you can see how Trouvelot included similar shading, and the spots in his drawing resemble those around the left edge of NASA’s photo.



The planet Mars. Observed September 3, 1877, at 11h. 55m. P.M.Valles Marineris: The Grand Canyon of Mars; Image via NASA



Check out that Great Red Spot and the bands on Jupiter’s surface! NASA’s Juno recently reached Jupiter and sent back a less clear image, as well, but we can look forward to much more detail soon as Juno circles Jupiter 37 times at varying altitudes to photograph its surface.



The planet Jupiter. Observed November 1, 1880, at 9h. 30m. P.M.

Jupiter From the Ground; Image via NASA

First in-orbit view from Juno:



Partial Eclipse of the Moon

No telescope required for this one. Anyone who has stepped outside to check out a Lunar Eclipse can verify the accuracyit even shows the very slight illumination of the moon’s eclipsed surface.



Partial eclipse of the moon. Observed October 24, 1874.

Supermoon Eclipse in Washington; Image via NASA


Nebula in Orion

The enhanced spectrum of NASA’s photo wasn’t available in Trouvelot’s time, but you can spot the same curvature of the nebula (though it’s the reverse of the NASA image) and the denser center.




The great nebula in Orion. From a study made in the years 1875-76.

Chaos at the Heart of Orion; Image via NASA


Hercules Star Cluster

One of the brightest star clusters in the northern sky, this one is visible with the naked eye on a clear night in the countryside.




Star clusters in Hurcules. From a study made in June, 1877.

M13: The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules 
Image Credit & CopyrightMartin Pugh


Milky Way

There’s nothing quite like looking up at the Milky Way on a clear night to make you feel incredibly small. In Trouvelot’s drawing you can spot a bit of sea and a ship at the bottomperhaps he was contemplating his own insignificance by the sea when he did this study. I’d like to think the astronaut who took the photo from the International Space Station had a similar feeling.

Milky Way

Milky Way

Part of the Milky Way. From a study made during the years 1874, 1875 and 1876.

Milky Way Viewed From the International Space Station; Image via NASA



Different angles, but the NASA photo from the Cassini mission almost feels like a drawing and vice versa.




The planet Saturn. Observed on November 30, 1874, at 5h. 30m. P.M.

Up and Over; Image via NASA


Total Eclipse of the Sun

Try not to sing “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. I personally enjoy Trouvelot’s added artistic flair (or flare, if you want to be punny) on this one.


Total Eclipse

Total Eclipse

Total eclipse of the sun. Observed July 29, 1878, at Creston, Wyoming Territory

Image of Solar Eclipse as seen by Hinode Satellite via NASA


Aurora Borealis

The shot from the International Space Station has slightly less curvature than Trouvelot’s drawing, but it’s a similarly spectacular view of this phenomenon.


Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis. As observed March 1, 1872, at 9h. 25m. P.M.

Aurora Borealis Over the Midwest; Image via NASA


Sun Spots

Our ability to get detailed imagery of the Sun has dramatically improved, but zoom in on NASA’s image and you’ll see Trouvelot actually created a spectacular representation of sun spots.


Sun Spots

Sun Spots

Group of sun spots and veiled spots. Observed on June 17th 1875 at 7 h. 30 m. A.M.

Two Coronal Holes on the Sun; Image via NASA

Learn more about E. L. Trouvelot, his silkworm error, and the drawings.

See all of his drawings possessed by NYPL.

Job and Employment Links for the Week of August 21


U.S. Census Bureau - Ongoing Recruitment on Monday August  22, 2016, 8 am - 5 pm for Field Representative (100 P/T Temp openings).  Please contact the Recruitment Department  of the U.S. Census Bureau (212) 584-3495 or E-mail:new.york.recruit@census.gov regarding testing for position.  Location, dates, and times will be given upon applying.

Heightened Security Inc. will present a recruitment on Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 10 am - 2 pm for Security Guard (10 F/T & P/T openings), at New York State Department of Labor - Workforce 1 Career Center, 250 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201.  By appointment only.

SOS Security LLC will present a recruitment on Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 10 am - 3 pm for Security Officer (7 openings), at NYC Workforce 1 Career Center, 215 West 125th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10027.  By appointment only.

Basic Resume Writing  workshop on Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 1:30 - 3 pm at Brooklyn Workforce 1 Career Center, 250 Schermerhorn  Street,  Brooklyn, NY 11201.   Participants will learn the purpose of a resume, chronological and combination resumes and select the appropriate type for their specific needs.

SAGEWorks Workshop on Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 2 - 4 pm.  at  the SAGE Center, 305 7th Avenue (6th Floor, Conference Room #2), New York, NY 10001.  Please join SAGEWorks in this workshop, Hilton Worldwide Career Opportunities 101 , facilitated by Hilton Worldwide's Talent Acquisition team.  Learn about Hilton Worldwide's history, work environment/functions, recruitment process and open positions.  Also you will receive  an exclusive insight as to how to effectively prepare for an interview within Hilton Hotels. SAGEWorks is a national employment support program for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people age 40 and older that expands participants' job hunting skills and career options, and connects employers to diverse high-caliber candidates.  RSVP mandatory.  Email: zramos@sageusa.org

Spanish Speaking Resume Writing workshop on Thursday, August 25, 2016, 12:30 - 2:30 pm. at Flushing Workforce 1 Career Center, 138-60 Barclay Avenue, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11355.  All interested jobseekers will learn to organize, revise and update resumes.

Job Postings at New York City Workforce 1.  Job Search Central

Apprenticeship Opportunities in New York City.

Brooklyn Community  Board 14: Available jobs

The New York City Employment and Training Coalition (NYCE&TC) is an association of 200 community-based organizations, educational institutions, and labor unions that annually provide job training and employment services to over 750,000 New Yorkers, including welfare recipients, unemployed workers, low-wage workers, at-risk youth, the formerly incarcerated, immigrants and the mentally and physically disabled. View NYCE&TC Job Listings.

Digital NYC is the official online hub of the New York City startup and technology ecosystem, bringing together every company, startup, investor, event, job, class, blog, video, workplace, accelerator, incubator, resource, and organization in the five boroughs. Search jobs by category on this site.

St. Nicks Alliance Workforce Development provides Free Job Training and Educational Programs in Environmental Response and Remediation Tec (ERRT). Commercial Driver's License, Pest Control Technician Training (PCT), Employment Search and Prep Training and Job Placement, Earn Benefits and Career Path Center. For information and assistance, please visit St. Nicks Alliance Workforce Development or call 718-302-2057 ext. 202.

Brooklyn Workforce Innovations helps jobless and working poor New Yorkers establish careers in sectors that offer good wages and opportunities for advancement. Currently, BWI offers free job training programs in four industries: commercial driving, telecommunications cable installation, TV and film production, and skilled woodworking.

CMP (formerly Chinatown Manpower Project) in lower Manhattan is now recruiting for a free training in Quickbooks, Basic Accounting, and Excel. This training is open to anyone who is receiving food stamps but no cash assistance. Class runs for eight weeks, followed by one-on-one meetings with a job developer. CMP also provides Free Home Health Aide Training for bilingual English/Cantonese speakers who are receiving food stamps but no cash assistance. Training runs Mondays through Fridays for six weeks and includes test prep and taking the HHA certification exam. Students learn about direct care techniques such as taking vital signs and assisting with personal hygiene and nutrition. For more information for the above two training programs, email: info@cmpny.org, call 212-571-1690, or visit. CMP also provides tuition-based healthcare and business trainings free to students who are entitled to ACCESS funding.

Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW) trains women and places them in careers in the skilled construction, utility, and maintenance trades. It helps women achieve economic independence and a secure future. For information call 212-627-6252 or register online.

Grace Institute provides tuition-free, practical job training in a supportive learning community for underserved New York area women of all ages and from many different backgrounds. For information call 212-832-7605.

Please note this page will be revised when more recruitment events for the week of August 21 become available.

Olympic Reading: 188 Authors from around the World


Olympic flagAs the 2016 Olympic Games draw to a close in Rio, don’t let that feeling of international fellowship and connection fade away. According to the Olympic Charter, “the goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.” Why not extend that principle to reading? We can’t all be Olympic athletes, but with some effort we can all be champion readers, promoting greater understanding and working our way around the globe through books. As a starting point, here are authors from each of the countries competing in the 2016 Olympics with a few exceptions. 

Identifying a published author from each of the nations competing in the Olympics was a challenge. In many Pacific Island nations, for example, there is a long tradition of oral storytelling, and a culture of written literature is just emerging. Wherever possible, a link to the author’s work in the NYPL catalog is included in the list. In some cases, these titles are available only in the original language, not in English translation, as for example, many francophone African writers. If NYPL does not currently own works by the author in any language, a link to another source, such as Banipal Magazine of Modern Arab Literature or the blog A Year of Reading the World, is included. For a few Caribbean island nations, a link to books about the place is included in place of an author link. See the World Literature resources at the end of this post if you're interested in exploring further. And please suggest other international authors in the comments section below.

For the first time at the Rio 2016 Olympics, a Refugee Olympic Team (ROT) has competed in the Games. Ten athletes, men and women forced to flee their native countries, participated in athletics, judo, and swimming events. Several authors on the list, like  Ismail Kadare of Albania and Sarah Mkhonza of Swaziland, are or have been refugees. 

Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio
Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio. Image ID: 1524650

Authors by country

Afghanistan - Atiq Rahimi

Albania - Ismail Kadare

Algeria - Yasmina Khadra

American Samoa - Caroline Sinavaiana-Gabbard 

Andora - Albert Salvadó 

Angola - Pepetela

Antigua & Barbuda - Jamaica Kincaid

Argentina - Adolfo Bioy Casares

Armenia - Hovhannes Tumanyan

Aruba - books about Aruba

Australia - Richard Flanagan

Austria - Elfriede Jelinek

Azerbaijan - Chingiz Abdullaev 

Bahamas - Patricia Glinton-Meicholas

Bahrain - Munira Al-Fadhel

Bangladesh - Selina Hossain

Barbados - Karen Lord

Belarus - Svetlana Alexievich

Belgium - Amélie Nothomb

Belize - Zee Edgell

Benin - Paulin J. Hountondji

Bermuda - F. Van Wyck Mason

Bhutan - Kunzang Choden

Bolivia - Edmundo Paz Soldán

Bosnia & Herzegovina - Ivo Andrić

Botswana - Bessie Head

Brazil - Clarice Lispector

British Virgin Islands - Barbara Christian

Brunei - Hajah Norsiah binti Haji Abdul Gapar

Bulgaria - Georgi Gospodinov

Burkina Faso -  Ansomwin Ignace Hien

Burundi - Ketty Nivyabandi

Cambodia - Patrice Nganang

Canada - Kim Thúy

Cape Verde - Corsino Fortes

Cayman Islands - books about the Cayman Islands

Central African Republic - Etienne Goyémidé

Chad - Koulsy Lamko

Chile - Roberto Bolaño

Chinese Taipei - Chu Tien-wen

Columbia - Laura Restrepo

Comoros - Mohamed Ahmed-Chamanga

Congo - Sony Lab'ou Tansi

Cook Islands - books about the Cook Islands

Costa Rica - Carmen Lyra

Cote d’Ivoire - Véronique Tadjo

Croatia - Dubravka Ugrešić

Cuba - Leonardo Padura Fuentes

Cyprus - Costas Montis

Czech Republic - Ivan Klima

Denmark - Jussi Adler-Olsen

Djibouti - Abdourahman A. Waberi

Dominica - Jean Rhys

Dominican Republic - Junot Diaz

DR Congo - Sony Lab'ou Tansi

Ecuador - Jorge Carrera Andrade

Egypt - Ahdaf Soueif

El Salvador - Roque Dalton

Equatorial Guinea - Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel

Eritrea - Reesom Haile

Ethiopia - Nega Mezlekia

Federated States of Micronesia - Luelen Bernart

Fiji - Epeli Hauʻofa

Finland - Arto Paasilinna

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Aco Šopov

France - Patrick Modiano

Gabon - Bessora

Gambia - Ebou Dibba

Georgia - Erlom Akhvlediani

Germany - Herta Muller

Ghana - Ama Ata Aidoo

Great Britain - Hilary Mantel

Greece - Nikos Kazantzakis 

Grenada - Merle Collins

Guam - Craig Santos Perez

Guatemala - Miguel Ángel Asturias

Guinea-Bissau - José Carlos Schwarz

Guinea - Tierno Monénembo

Guyana - Wilson Harris

Haiti - Edwige Danticat

Honduras - Roberto Sosa

Hong Kong, China - Lilian Lee / Li Bihua

Hungary - László Krasznahorkai

Iceland - Arnaldur Indriðason

India - Arundhati Roy

Indonesia - Pramoedya Ananta Toer

Iraq - Dunya Mikhail

Ireland - Edna O’Brien

Islamic Republic of Iran - Mahmoud Dowlatabadi

Israel - A. B. Yehoshua

Italy - Paolo Giordano

Ivory Coast - Ahmadou Kourouma

Jamaica - Marlon James

Japan - Kenzaburō Ōe

Jordan - Ibrahim Nasrallah

Kazakhstan - Abai Qunanbaiuli

Kenya - Binyavanga Wainaina

Kiribati - Teresia Teaiwa

Kosovo - Ali Podrimja

Kuwait - Fatimah Yousif al-Ali

Kyrgyzstan - Chinghiz Aitmatov

Lao People’s Democratic Republic - Souvankham Thammavongsa

Latvia - Aspazija

Lebanon - Amin Maalouf

Lesotho - Thomas Mofolo

Liberia - Bai T. Moore

Libya - Ibrahim Al-Koni

Liechtenstein - Armin Öhri

Lithuania - Tomas Venclova

Luxembourg - Jean Portante

Madagascar - Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo

Malawi - Paul Tiyambe Zeleza

Maldives - books about the Maldives

Mali - Massa Makan Diabaté

Malta - Immanuel Mifsud

Marshall Islands - Marshall Islands: Telling Tales

Mauritania - Moussa Ould Ebnou

Mauritius - Barlen Pyamootoo

Mexico - Valeria Luiselli

Monaco - books about Monaco

Mongolia - Byambyn Rinchen

Montenegro - Dragan Radulović

Morocco - Fatema Mernissi

Mozambique - Mia Couto

Myanmar - Htin Aung

Namibia - Joseph Diescho

Nauru - Stories from Nauru

Nepal - Samrat Upadhyay

Netherlands - Hella Haasse

New Zealand - Janet Frame

Nicaragua - Claribel Alegría

Nigeria - Chika Unigwe

Niger - Ousmane Amadou

Norway - Sigrid Undset

Oman - Jokha al-Harthi

Pakistan - Kamila Shamsie

Palau - Palau: A World Apart

Palestine - Suad Amiry

Panama - Rosa María Britton

Papua New Guinea - John Kasaipwalova

People’s Republic of China - Mo Yan

Peru - Mario Vargas Llosa

Philippines - José Rizal

Poland - Wisława Szymborska

Portugal - José Saramago

Puerto Rico - Judith Ortiz Cofer

Qatar - Sophia Al Maria

Republic of Korea - Shin Kyung-sook

Republic of Moldova - Emilian Bukov

Romania - Gabriela Adameșteanu

Russian Federation - Ludmila Ulitskaya

Rwanda - Yolande Mukagasana

Saint Kitts and Nevis - Caryl Phillips

Saint Lucia - Derek Walcott

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -St Vincent & the Grenadines: Journeys

Samoa - Sia Figiel

San Marino - books about San Marino

Saudi Arabia - Raja Alem

Senegal - Mariama Bâ

Serbia - Danilo Kiš

Seychelles - Antoine Abel

Sierra Leone - Ishmael Beah

Singapore - Goh Poh Seng

Slovakia - Svetlana Žuchová

Slovenia - Vlado Žabot

Solomon Islands - poetry in the Solomon Islands

Somalia - Nuruddin Farah

South Africa - Nadine Gordimer

South Sudan - Stella Gaitano

Spain - Javier Marías

Sri Lanka - Shyam Selvadurai

Sudan - Leila Aboulela

Suriname - Astrid Roemer

Swaziland - Sarah Mkhonza

Switzerland - Peter Stamm

Syria - Samar Yazbek

Sao Tomé and Principe - Conceição Lima

Tajikistan - Rumi

Tanzania - Abdulrazak Gurnah

Thailand - Chart Kobjitti

Timor-Leste - Luís Cardoso

Togo - Kossi Efoui

Tonga - Epeli Hauʻofa

Trinidad and Tobago - Monique Roffey

Tunisia - Sabiha Al Khemir

Turkey - Orhan Pamuk

Turkmenistan - Berdy Kerbabayev

Tuvalu - Tuvalu: how to make it rain

Uganda - Doreen Baingana

Ukraine - Oksana Zabuzhko

United Arab Emirates - Nasser al-Dhaheri

Uruguay - Eduardo Galeano

Uzbekistan - Tohir Malik

Vanuatu - Grace Mera Molisa

Venezuela - Rómulo Gallegos

Vietnam - Dương Thu Hương

Virgin Islands - Tiphanie Yanique

Yemen - Nadia Al-Kokabany

Zambia - Ellen Banda-Aaku

Zimbabwe - Petina Gappah

World Literature Resources

You can also use NYPL’s databases to find surveys of world literature. These resources are available outside the library with your library card:

  • The Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century available through Credo Reference, has articles on authors and literature by country and region, including difficult to find information on literature in developing countries (e.g. Pacific Islands literature, Beninian literature, Sudanese literature).
  • The Literature of War, also available through Credo Reference, includes discussions of works from writers of 63 nationalities, aiming to provide historical, cultural and social context for literary works that deal with war.
  • The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation available through Oxford Reference Online offers articles on oral tradition, francophone writing outside France, and modern Arabic literature as well as entries on hundreds of authors and classic works well known to English language readers.
  • In the literature section of Very Short Introductions from Oxford University Press, you can find introductions to Chinese Literature, Colonial Latin American Literature, English Literature, French Literature, German Literature, Italian Literature, Modern Latin American Literature, Russian Literature, and Spanish Literature.

Anahid Ajemian and George Avakian Produce Music For Moderns at Town Hall, 1957

Anahid Ajemian, Duke Ellington, and Dimitri Mitropoulos in a promotional photograph for the Music For Moderns series.
Anahid Ajemian, Duke Ellington, and Dimitri Mitropoulos in a promotional photograph for the Music For Moderns series, spring 1957.

During the 1950s, the producer George Avakian, director of both the Popular Album and International Departments of Columbia Records, was recording and releasing vast amounts of music from numerous and varied artists, including Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Mahalia Jackson, Dave Brubeck, Lotte Lenya, Erroll Garner, Tony Bennett, Benny Goodman, Buck Clayton, Edith Piaf, and Johnny Mathis. A few years earlier, he had also produced recordings by the composers John Cage and Alan Hovhaness. 

Simultaneously, his wife, violinist Anahid Ajemian, was busy as a soloist and in a duo with her sister, pianist Maro Ajemian, performing and promoting new music from the likes of Cage, Hovhaness, Lou Harrison, Wallingford Reigger, and Henry Cowell, among others. Ajemian and Avakian began to notice their musical worlds overlapping more and more as jazz musicians became interested in composition, and performers began to become adept in both jazz and classical music. They also sensed audiences could be open to this cross-fertilization.

In 1957, at the suggestion of the publicist Alix Williamson, the couple co-produced a highly, perhaps even radically innovative four-concert series at Town Hall. Titled Music For Moderns, it brought together their friends and colleagues in jazz, classical, and gospel music. In an interview with Voice of America DJ Willis Conover, Avakian stated that the series was "designed to expand the listening pleasures of audiences who may not realize that both certain kinds of jazz and certain kinds of classical music can be presented on the same programs without any incongruity or loss of unified idea behind the programs."

The series brochure stated:

On the theory that most intelligent music-lovers actually have a considerably wider range of musical interest than they may realize, each of the programs in the MUSIC FOR MODERNS series will explore similar and contrasting uses of the same basic materials, thus extending, through logical relationships, the musical horizons of those familiar with only one aspect of the program content.

The brochure for the Music For Moderns concert series, spring 1957.
The brochure for the series.

The opening night (April 28th) was titled “From Twelve Tone To Ellingtonia.” In the first half, Anahid Ajemian performed Kurt Weill’s Concerto for Violin and Wind Orchestra, Op. 12, with Dimitri Mitropoulos conducting. Though it had been premiered in 1925, the piece had been lost for some years before Lotte Lenya, Weill’s widow, re-discovered the score among his papers. Ajemian had given the piece its American premier and recorded the piece in 1955 for MGM, with Izler Solomon conducting.

The second half featured the Duke Ellington Orchestra in the world premiere of Ellington and Billy Strayhorn’s Such Sweet Thunder, a suite based on characters of William Shakespeare which had been commissioned by the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Ontario, Canada. It is recognized today as one of the best of Ellington and Strayhorn’s extended works. The suite was later recorded for Columbia (produced by Irving Townsend), but this premiere performance, along with the Weill/ Ajemian/Mitropolous performance, was recorded, and the tapes are now held by the Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound in the George Avakian and Anahid Ajemian recorded sound collection.


Dimitri Mitropoulos with Anahid Ajemian backstage at Town Hall, April 28th, 1957.
Dimitri Mitropoulos with Anahid Ajemian backstage at Town Hall, April 28th, 1957.

The second night of the series, on May 12th, was titled “The Symbolic Sounds of Impressionism.” It featured the Modern Jazz Quartet performing John Lewis’s music for the French film Sait-on Jamis (No Sun In Venice); Claude Debussy’s Trio Sonata for Viola, Flute, and Harp performed by Walter Trampler, John Wummer, and Edward Vito; and Erik Satie’s Sports et Divertissements, performed by pianist William Masselos. 

The latter was a multi-media event: Because the piece was written to accompany a set of 20 watercolor drawings by Charles Martin in 1913, Martin’s drawings were reproduced and projected at Town Hall, and the composer and writer Virgil Thomson recited his translation of Satie's preface and commentary on each of the 20 movements. Avakian referred to it as "the complete experience on three levels."

George Avakian with Martial Singher.
George Avakian with Martial Singher.


The third concert, on May 19th, was titled "Variations on the Folk Theme. Mahalia Jackson sang Gospel songs and spirituals in the first half, followed by Martial Singher, French baritone of Metropolitan Opera, singing European songs with folk origins.

The finale of the series on May 26th was called “New Dimensions.” The first half showcased the Chico Hamilton Quintet (Paul Horn, reeds, Fred Katz, cello, John Pisano, guitar, Carson Smith, bass, and Hamilton, drums) performing a set of world premieres written for this program, one of which, Concerto Petite, by Fred Katz, featured Anahid Ajemian guesting with the group. Hamilton’s set was recorded by Pacific Jazz, but not released in full until Mosaic Record’s 1997 issueThe Complete Pacific Jazz Recordings of the Chico Hamilton Quintet.

In the second half, the composer Carlos Surinach conducted a group of three pieces for percussion orchestra: Carlos Chavez’s Toccata for Percussion, Alan Hovhaness’s October Mountain (a world premiere); and Surinach’s own Ritmo Jondo. (The Avakian/Ajemian collection holds a recording of this portion of the concert.)

Carlos Surinach with Chico Hamilton.
Carlos Surinach with Chico Hamilton in rehearsal.

Music For Moderns received good audience feedback and reviews, although Anahid Ajemian and George Avakian lost money on the venture. Nevertheless, they made history: It was one of the first times that such an extensive and adventurous blending of musical worlds was presented in the United States, or possibly anywhere, and not just for one night, but for four. These programs still look ground-breaking in 2016; they demonstrate a trust in the audiences, and an assumption that they could digest and find value in music they did not know, an astonishing concept for many in 1957, and one still worth considering.

George Avakian, Duke Ellington, Lotte Lenya, and Anahid Ajemian at Town Hall after the opening night of Music For Moderns, April 28th, 1957.
George Avakian, Duke Ellington, unidentified, Lotte Lenya, and Anahid Ajemian at Town Hall after the opening concert of Music For Moderns, April 28th, 1957.

The exhibition "Music For Moderns": The Partnership of George Avakian and Anahid Ajemian, is on view in the Vincent Astor Gallery of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts through September 24.

20 Databases to Get You Back to School


In the blink of an eye, summer is almost over, and it’s time to fill backpacks with Mead notebooks and sharpened #2 pencils. Besides the textbooks and school supplies, however, there are plenty of resources online to help you with your studies. Whether you’re practicing your reading skills, prepping for the science fair, beginning your first research paper, or (hello, teachers!) lesson planning one of these activities, the New York Public Library’s databases are ready to support you in your learning.

As an added bonus, many of our online resources are available outside of the Library, so they’re easy to incorporate into your home or classroom routine. All you need is an NYPL library card. So click away, explore this list of 20 databases — remotely available unless otherwise noted — and get ready to go back to school.

cherylt23 on Pixabay, CC0

Middle and High School Students

  1. African American Experience
    Explore African American history and culture, from ancient African civilizations to the transatlantic slave trade to the Black Lives Matter movement. Topics are illustrated with reference documents, audiovisual material, and digitized primary sources. “Perspectives” guide students through selected questions with supporting documentation. If you like this resource, check out one of the others from this provider like Latino American Experience and Daily Life through History.

  2. Biography in Context
    Access biographical details, images, and video for over half a million people, from Leonardo da Vinci to Simone Biles. For more in-depth biographies of American historical figures, try American National Biography.

  3. Career Cruising
    Find information on professions, higher education institutions, financial aid options, and scholarships. Note: This database collects personal information from users as part of its service, which is then stored by the database provider. We encourage you to read their privacy policy.

  4. Columbia Gazetteer of the World
    Locate current and historical information about cities, countries, and geographic features with this online atlas.

  5. Credo Reference
    Begin your research with full-text, searchable access to hundreds of multidisciplinary reference book collections, including art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, bilingual dictionaries, and encyclopedias.

Class at St. Peter Claver parochial school, c. 1950. Teacher is Sister Felicite. Image ID: 1270335
Class at St. Peter Claver parochial school, c. 1950. Teacher is Sister Felicite. Image ID: 1270335
  1. Explora Middle School / Explora High School
    Search across thousands of reference works, scholarly journals, and newspaper and magazine articles geared toward middle school and high school students, respectively. Like Credo Reference, this is a good starting point for a research project. (There's also a teacher's companion.)

  2. LearningExpress Library
    Review test prep books and practice exams that cover the PSAT, SAT, and TASC exams, along with many others.

  3. Opposing Viewpoints
    Research different perspectives on frequently debated topics like music censorship and medical marijuana using current news coverage, audio, and reference sources.

  4. PressReader
    Incorporate current events into your classroom with these full-color digitized newspapers and magazines from around the world.

  5. U.S. History in Context / World History in Context
    Browse U.S. and world history topics — or search for a person, place, or subject — to find a range of relevant content, including academic articles and digitized primary sources.

Elementary School Students

  1. Amazing Animals of the World
    Learn about over 1,000 animals worldwide: what they look like, where they live, what they eat, and what threatens them. Older students might prefer Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia instead.

  2. America the Beautiful
    Explore U.S. history by person, date, topic, or state with this online encyclopedia.

  3. BrainPOP
    Watch short videos on a variety of STEM, social studies, English, health, art, and music topics. This resource is available at any NYPL library.

  4. Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
    La Enciclopedia estudiantil hallazgos en línea es una enciclopedia de conocimientos generales. Contiene información sobre gente, lugares, objetos, acontecimientos e ideas. Aprovecha esta enciclopedia para investigar y divertirte.

  5. Explora Elementary
    Review multiple reference sources geared toward elementary school students — such as Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia and American Heritage Children's Dictionary — through a single search box. This database includes material previously accessed through Searchasaurus and Kids Search. (There's also a teacher's companion.)

  1. The Flix Series
    Introduce students to a variety of topics, each with an eBook and accompanying video. FreedomFlix covers American history; ScienceFlix covers science; TrueFlix covers social studies, nature, and science; and BookFlix covers more general themes and language arts.

  2. New Book of Knowledge
    Search this encyclopedia for reference articles, as well as information about current events. Or, spark curiosity with “wonder questions” like “Do fish sleep?” and “What did the colonists eat?” Older students might prefer Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia instead.

  3. New Book of Popular Science
    Access encyclopedia entries for science, health, and technology topics, including scientist biographies, science games and projects, and even star guides for the budding astronomer.

  4. TumbleBookCloud Junior
    Incorporate reading into your classroom, either as a group or independently, with online eBooks, read-alongs, videos, graphic novels, and audiobooks.

  5. World Book Online: Kids
    Foster learning with another easy-to-browse, colorful encyclopedia that includes games, activities, and science projects.

Do you have a favorite online resource for teaching and learning not listed here? Share it in the comments!

喝出美麗好氣色 || Herbal Tea for Health


喝出美麗好氣色 || He Chu Mei Li Hao Qi Se

CHI 615.321 LIANG, QION  || 喝出美麗好氣色

作者: 梁瓊白 ||  Author: Liang Qiongbai

新北市中和區 : 雅事文化事業有限公司,  2015.

現在很多女性越來越關注自身的健康和美麗。 "偏偏來自生活和工作的壓力總是讓人心力交瘁,因勞累造成膚色暗沉,睡眠不足以致精神不振,飲食失調讓身体變形, 脂肪堆積成小腹人!" p1  所以健康茶飲好重要。 別小看茶飲的習慣性, 從現在開始你只需要花少少時間,自己製作1 杯能够 “喝出美丽好氣色“ 的天然飲品。  這本書分成四部分 part 1: 美容養顏 。part 2: 瘦身消脂 。Part3: 健康自然 。Part 4: 排毒抗老 。希望大家身体健康,保持美麗。


Special thanks goes to Hung-yun Chang at Mid-Manhattan Library, Maria Fung in Collection Development and Peng Zhou at Chatham Square Library for all their help with this blog post. 




Защити себя по методикам спецслужб - Zashchiti sebi︠a︡ po metodikam spet︠s︡sluzhb

byvshiĭ spet︠s︡agent raskryvaet metody, kotorye mogut spasti zhiznʹ vam i vasheĭ semʹe


 Автор предупреждает об опасностях, которые подстерегают нас на улице и на парковке, в путешествии и в собственном доме, разоблачает многие уловки современных злоумышленников и учит быть готовым к любым неожиданностям. Профессиональные приемы, о которых он рассказывает, помогут защитить себя и свою семью в любой ситуации. (sentrumbookstore.com)

Я была джихадисткой - I︠A︡ byla dzhikhadistkoĭ

rassledovanie v t︠s︡entre verbovochnoĭ seti IGIL

Anna Erelle

Анна Эрель рассказывает о том, как она завязала знакомство в социальной сети с джихадистом, одним из ближайших соратников главы «ИГ», стала его виртуальной женой и чуть не уехала в Сирию, а теперь живет под охраной полиции. Французская журналистка примерила на себя роль типичной наивной жертвы исламской пропаганды, истории которых мы слышим все чаще в последнее время, чтобы показать читателям, как она работает, сама не подозревая, как далеко ее заведет подобный эксперимент. (sentrumbookstore.com)

Женщина в свободном пространстве - Zhenshchinavsvobodnomprostranstve



Новый роман Елены Литинской "Женщина в свободном пространстве" охватывает восемь лет из жизни молодой женщины, которой пришлось пройти через все круги ада: столкновения с антисемитизмом в брежневской России, разрыв с любимым, неудачное замужество, разлуку с родителями, тяготы эмиграции, радости и горести матери-одиночки, упорные поиски личного счастья и профессионального самоутверждения, прежде чем она наконец обрела долгожданную свободу частного пространства в Америке. (sentrumbookstore.com)


Старая добрая война - Starai︠a︡dobrai︠a︡voĭna


Дмитрий Шрамко и Роман Середин вместе учились в военном училище, вместе воевали на Северном Кавказе. Тогда их связывала настоящая крепкая дружба. После тяжелого ранения Середин уволился из армии, но на гражданке пробыл недолго: знойным тревожным летом он в качестве ополченца поехал на Донбасс. Однажды, наблюдая в бинокль за командным пунктом противника, Роман неожиданно увидел Дмитрия Шрамко в натовском камуфляже, с шевроном ВСУ.Не веря своим глазам, Роман связался с Дмитрием по рации, и бывшие друзья договорились тайно встретиться на нейтральной полосе, чтобы поговорить по душам. К несчастью, их разговор подслушал заместитель Шрамко, лейтенант украинской армии… (knigosvet.com)


Сугубо доверительно - Sugubodoveritelʹno

posolvVashingtoneprishestiprezidentakhSSHA, 1962-1986 gg

Anatoliĭ FedorovichDobrynin

А.Ф. Добрынин — один из старейших дипломатов послевоенного периода, занимающий уникальное место в истории нашей дипломатии вообще и советскоамериканских отношений особенно.Он внес весомый вклад в нормализацию отношений между СССР и США и укрепление международного престижа нашего государства.Предлагаемая читателю книга представляет бесспорный интерес в первую очередь потому, что она позволяет как бы заглянуть за кулисы почти четверть векового отрезка дипломатической истории в сложнейшие периоды взаимоотношений двух держав. Ценность книги и в том, что автор не «летописец», а активный участник процесса формирования этих отношений, пользовавшийся авторитетом и влиянием в высших эшелонах власти и в Москве, и в Вашингтоне. (mnogoknig.lv)

These titles have been kindly selected by Irina Tkach, Supervising Librarian, BookOps.

10 Strong Female Characters in Fantasy Television Shows


I love a TV show with a strong leading ladies. There are many TV shows with strong male characters that save the day or ruin the day. A leading female character stands out because of her beauty, boldness, and bravery in the face of adversity. A strong leading lady can be a hero or a villain with a lot of depth.Here are some recommendations for TV shows with strong female characters.  

The Musketeers follows the adventures of The Musketeers fighting to protect King Louis and is based on the book by Alexandre Dumas. The show’s strongest female characters is Constance. Constance is a smart, honest, strong, kind, and attentive woman who attends to the wounded and helps the musketeers any way she can. In a time when women's roles are very limited, Constance’s intelligence and honesty leads her to become a handmaiden to the queen and a very important part of the series.  

Game of Thrones is a show about seven families fighting for control of the land Westeros. Game of Thrones has a wealth of female characters.  Amongst them, who is stronger than Cersei Lannister and Olenna Tyler? Cersei is a strong female character because she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Cersei is not an inspiration to anyone, but she is a character that people strongly dislike. Olenna Tyler is a strong character because she holds no punches. She says it like she means it and fiercely protects her grandchildren.

The Tudors is a TV show based on the life of King Henry VII. The show chronicles his many marriages.  Queen Anne is a queen everyone loves to hate. She is cunning, enchanting and very determined.  

Empire is a very popular musical drama about the Lyon family. Cookie Lyon is the mother of three sons. She is a tough, loving, dedicated, talented and very funny woman. I consider her a strong female character because she had a tough upbringing and transcended above her circumstances to become a good person.   

Scandal is about Olivia Pope who owns a Crisis Management firm in Washington DC. Olivia is a brilliant and passionate woman. She is a strong female character because she rises above scandals and does her best to manage the needs of her clients.  

How to Get Away with Murder is a show about Annalise Keating, a law professor who gets in involved in a murder case along with her students. Annalise is a strong female character because although she is flawed, she also is brilliant and has a human side that gives her character a great depth.  

Once Upon a Time is a show that brings together many fairy tale characters. Once Upon a Time stars Emma Swan, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Emma has traveled to Storybrooke, Maine to be close to the son she gave up for adoption after he goes to look for her. Emma decides to stay in Storybrooke to be close to her son and investigate the town. Emma is a very strong character because she handles whatever comes her way expertly. Emma never gives up on herself or her friends and family.

A second strong character from the Once Upon a Timeseries is  Regina Mills, also  known as the Evil Queen. Regina transforms from being the Evil Queen to being a hero and a great mother to her adopted son. Regina is strong-willed and stubborn. I consider her a great female character because inspires those around her because she was evil and became a hero while battling her inner demons.   

    Lost Girl stars Bo, a succubus who feeds on the sexual energy of others. Bo is a also a detective who helps humans and Faeries with the help of her best friend, Kenzi. Bo is a very strong fighter. She is strong-willed and very comfortable in her sexuality. Bo is determined to not choose a side and become a light or dark Fae.

    Orphan Black is a science fiction show centering around clones. It is extremely impressive how the leading actress, Tatiana Maslany, plays multiple characters providing layers and details that individualize each and everyone of the characters.

    New York Times Read Alikes: August 28, 2016


    Two new titles join this list this week: historical fiction about the Underground Railroad and the newest installment of a popular series of F.B.I. thrillers.


    #1 Recommendations for readers who enjoyed Insidiousby Catherine Coulter, more F.B.I. thrillers:

    The Heist by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg

    The Last Mile by David Baldacci

    Saint's Gate by Carla Neggers




    girl on the train

    #2 Recommendations for readers who enjoyed The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, more stories told from multiple perspectives:

    And Then There Was Oneby Patricia Gussin

    Murder on the Orient Expressby Agatha Christie

    Fates & Furiesby Lauren Groff



    underground railroad

    #3 Recommendations for readers who enjoyed The Underground Railroadby Colson Whitehead, more historical fiction about fugitive slaves:

    The Good Lord Bird by James McBride

    The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom

    The Mapmaker's Children by Sarah McCoy




    truly madly guilty

    #4 Recommendations for readers who enjoyed Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty, more tales of marriage and friendship:

    The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas

    Another Night, Another Day by Sarah Rayner

    The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud





    #5 Recommendations for readers who enjoyed Bullseye by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge, more thriller series set in New York City:

    The John Corey novels by Nelson DeMille, starting with Plum Island

    The Stone Barrington novels by Stuart Woods, starting with New York Dead

    The NYPL Red series by James Patterson and Marshall Karp, starting with NYPL Red




    Want more? Check out last week's readalikes.


    Have trouble reading standard print? Many of these titles are available in formats for patrons with print disabilities.

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